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Quality Roofing Solutions

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Waterproof Coatings & Sustainable Roofing Solutions

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About Our Roof Coatings


Think 50-year roof. Nobody builds a brick wall with the intention of demolishing and rebuilding it every 20 years. Why not use the same logic on the roof? 

Energy Efficiency

Energy costs are 30% of a typical office building’s operating expense. Every $ spent on energy costs is a $ LOST.  Every $ spent on roof coating is a $ INVESTED!


Leak Free lifetime warranty –  One Stop Shop + Single Source Responsibility = One range of ASTM, ASHRAE, ENERGY STAR approved products.


We have over 20 years of commercial roofing experience.


Craig Wieland

President Of Wieland

“Allen, I just wanted to take a moment to thank you and your team at Ace Painting for the great job you did on the Gestamp Expansion Project in Chattanooga. Every successful project like this is a team effort, and we were glad you were on ours. All the best,”